Tikka-Spice Lentil Patties

Serves 3-4

(Vegan; no gluten, dairy, egg, nightshades or grain)

Enjoy the crisp texture, moist interior and mild Indian flavours. Serve with roasted, steamed or mashed vegetables. Or with a hearty salad such as Coleslaw with Tahini Dressing. The patties cook in just 4 minutes. Make a double batch and freeze some – shaped but uncooked – for an easy meal later. Left-overs are also good cold for lunch. Cook extra quinoa* – and lentils, or use tinned – and use in soup, stew or salad.

Every ingredient is available in good supermarkets. Spices are one of the highest sources of many antioxidants, minerals and specialised phytonutrients designed to protect plants and thus those who eat them. Legumes are a good source of protein, soluble and insoluble fibre. These qualities are excellent for blood sugar regulation and thus vitality and weight management. Read more

Sesame Tamari Kale Chips

Makes about 1 cup

(Vegan and Paleo; no gluten, grain, dairy or nightshades)

For some reason kale is trendy. People – possibly those looking for virtuous status more than flavour – add it to juices and smoothies. Yes, it is a good source of many nutrients, but so is prosaic parsley. So I am suspicious about fashion-driven intent and have some lack of enthusiasm regarding flavour. However, kale in this form is delicious. These are like a cross between potato chips and seaweed snacks: full of crunch, snap and savoury pleasure. As a key non-diplomatic validator, most children like them. And the chips can be made in minutes. Eat them warm or store them once they’ve cooled. Any type of kale can be used, but the curly types take a few minutes more to cook. Read more