Orange Ginger Fruit Loaf

(No gluten, dairy, cane sugar or soy)

Moist, flavourful and long keeping, this has a taste and texture similar to fruitcake. The loaf is high in fibre, protein (see my website TIPS page for Protein for the surprising contribution dried fruit makes) and is low GI. It is ideal for snacks or in the lunch box. You could also try baking the mixture as a cake, slice or muffins.

If you are the ENTHUSIAST or ANALYSER body-type (see The Shape Diet) then you need to limit sweet, starchy foods or they interfere with blood sugar regulation – and thus moods, vitality and weight management. Instead have occasional treats like this that are supportive rather than weakening.

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Vegan/Almost Vegan Chocolate Cake

(No gluten, dairy, egg, soy or cane sugar)

You can dispense with any recitation of this cake’s nutritional virtues and confidently serve it on the basis of great taste alone. Moist, dark with layers of flavours and it improves with age. It is complete without any accompaniment but for a glam occasion you could serve slices with some piped, sunny-hued Apricot Whip along one edge (as below; see also its use with  Fluffy Hotcakes).

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Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies

16-20 small squares
(Vegan; no gluten, dairy, cane sugar, egg, soy, citrus)

You can safely serve this to any fan of rich morsels (ie most females). If preferred, avoid all discussion of its nutritional virtues: it can win on taste and texture alone. A version of this recipe came from the popular Aussie blog Not Quite Nigella, but behind that was a long trail of variations and attributions probably dating back to Eve. My version is below.

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Nutty Date Muffins

Makes 18
(No gluten, dairy or cane sugar; with options for peanuts/legumes)

Incorporating both salty and sweet notes, these tender morsels can progress from dreamy-eyed intention to serving platter in just 40 minutes. Serve in advantageous pairings with soup or salad for an enthusiastic reception at dinner; or for brunch with eggs, tofu Scramble (see Recipes), stuffed mushrooms, or fruit salad. Any left-over muffins can be enjoyed for lunch the next day.

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Tropical Pudding

Serves 6
(Vegan; no gluten, flour, dairy, eggs, soy products; with option for cane sugar)

Too often desserts compete with rather than complement the meal they accompany. Large servings of heavy, fatty concluding courses made sense in an era gone-by when filling food could be scarce and energy expenditure was high. Being able to offer lots of rich food was also the designer-label-equivalent of its day: it displayed your wealth.

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Kumara Sunflower Muffins

Makes 12
(No gluten, dairy, cane sugar, citrus or nightshades – with options for soy)

Flecked with herbs, veg and other contrasting colours and textures, these are so moist they don’t need butter and keep for days. Serve for brunch, use in lunch boxes, or make a quick batch for dinner to elevate eagerness for an accompanying soup or salad. Or mini muffin tin versions can be offered as fingerfood, or as part of an antipasto platter.

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Glazed Almond Fruit Cake

(Vegan; no gluten, dairy, cane sugar, soy, eggs or citrus)

This is superbly moist, sweet and – for the disciplined – it keeps well. The cake is best made the day before eating to let the many layers of flavour frolic and mingle. However no satellite images will monitor your compliance. Remember that there is some advance preparation; the dried fruit needs to soak overnight for thorough infusion with the sweet juice.

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Chocolate Truffles

Makes 18
(Vegan; no cane sugar, dairy, gluten or soy)

Are you looking for a special treat or gift that tastes of and symbolizes all the rich, sweet, luxurious pleasures of life? Ask most women and of course this implies chocolate. To make it more challenging though, perhaps the recipient prefers to avoid cane sugar, dairy, gluten and soy. Is monastic austerity all that is left to them? This recipe can come to the rescue.

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